Chadric McPherson: Editor

Cyber Crime

Schools Attended:
Our Lady of the Angels(Primary)
Campion College(Secondary)
University of the West Indies(Tertiary)

I grew up at Kingston 20, St. Andrew, Jamaica, West Indies. Saint Andrew (capital: Half Way Tree) is a parish, situated in the southeast of Jamaica in the county of Surrey. It lies north, west and east of Kingston, and stretches into the Blue Mountains and at the 2001 census had the highest population of all the parishes in Jamaica.

My street is a dead-end close consisting of not more than eight houses, four being on each side of the road perfectly horizontal to one another. There were four large ackee and apple trees which served the entire community. Due to this small knit community everyone on my street lived as one, thus a sense of unity and family was instilled in me from a tender age.

Goals After Graduation:
1. Apply for the Rhode Scholarship.
2. Pursue a masters in Economics in Europe.
3. Complete the Actuarial Exams and become an Associate Member of the Fellowship.
4. Get a job doing what I love.

Favourite Books:
Title Author
The Pendragon Series D.J. MacHale
The Art of War Sun Tzu
The Harry Potter Series J.K. Rowling
Gifted Hands Ben Carson

Three Favourite Websites:
The Economist
Fox Soccer

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